Urgent Out of Hours Calls - 028 3839 9201
Telephone 028 3839 9201 and you will be answered by a receptionist at the Out of Hours Centre.
A doctor will contact you by telephone to offer advice, arrange a consultation at the centre or organise a home visit if appropriate. You can be seen at a centre of your choice.
The local Out of Hours centres are at Craigavon Area Hospital and Lagan Valley Hospital.
Please do not ask to see a doctor out of hours unless you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.
During 2024, the surgery will be closed on the below dates:
Tuesday 17th December from 1 pm (staff training)
Wednesday 25th December & Thursday 26th December
During 2025, the surgery will be closed on the below dates:
Wednesday 1st January
Monday 17th March
Tuesday 25th March from 1pm (staff training)
Monday 21st & Tuesday 22nd April
Monday 5th May
Monday 26th May
Monday 14th July
Tuesday 15th July - urgent cover only
Monday 25th August
Thursday 25th & Friday 26th December
Thursday 1st January 2026
In addition to these dates the surgery may be closed for training purposes - dates to be confirmed.
During these times Out Of Hours will be contactable for urgent matters. Tel No. 02838 399 201