Your pharmacy preference did not transfer over onto the new system so please put your pharmacy preference on your script request.
Medication Requests-
We may reject some medication requests for various items that can be picked up cheaply in various shops, including pharmacies, supermarkets and pound shops.
Medications such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and anti histamine medications cost very little to buy but the cost to the NHS is much higher. For instance paracetamol which can be purchased for 20p, but when prescribed on a script it costs somewhere in the region of £5 due to the pharmacist costs involved with the script.
We don't recommend buying branded products in the shop as generic medications such as paracetamol are much cheaper than their branded alternative and there is no difference in ingredients.
Also there is very little difference in medications such as ibuprofen compared to other anti-inflammatory medications and as such don't be alarmed if the GP advises you purchase them yourself over the counter.
Repeat Prescriptions-
The practice requires a minimum of 48 hours notice to be able to fulfil a repeat prescription request.
If you are requesting a repeat more than 1 week prior to your medication running out it may be rejected.
You can request either by post, in person, prescription counterfoil, online via the form on this page or by telephone choosing option 3. Leave details as requested.
NB The telephone request option is in operation 24 hours