Clinics & Services
Childhood Immunisations and Developmental Screening- Contraceptive advice and Sexual Health Screening
- Cervical Cancer Screening
- Antenatal and Postnatal care
- Cardiac Disease Prevention
- Asthma Care
- COPD Care
- Hypertension Care
- Smoking Cessation Advice
- Diabetic Clinic with Retinal Screening
- Warfarin Monitoring
- Minor Surgery
The above services are available at our surgery. Please enquire at reception for details of the clinic you are interested in attending.
If you require other services such as Chiropody, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy or Physiotherapy, we are happy to assist you in making suitable arrangements.
Aghalee Surgery is a teaching practice, and as such, a medical student may be shadowing our doctors at various times.